Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Facebook Book Game

Someone's facebook page has just instructed me to do the following:
1. Grab the book nearest you.
2. Turn to page 62.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post it to my comments.
5. Post this to your facebook with these instructions

The nearest book to me was Voices in my Ear The Autobiography of a Medium by Doris Stokes, and the line I got was the following: "The problem was getting too big for me to deal with"

I'm going to grab the next few nearest books and see what pearls of wisdom are bestowed.

Walking With Angels - Carmel Reilly
"I'd go in right to the back and sit in the dark"

Dear Sebastian - Compiled by Christine Horgan
"When we are faced with big complicated jobs that we don't always want to do or that will require a huge effort, it is often worth thinking about the end result and what that will mean."

The Picture of Dorian Grey
"Dear Basil! I have not laid eyes on him for a week"

Work Your Wardrobe - Gok Wan
"Wide pants will work wonders on my lovely pear-shaped girls, especially if the trouser waistline is ever so slightly high"

On that note, I think I'll go read.

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